Rats! Coming to a city near you...


Spend any significant amount of time in New York City (NYC), and you will very likely come across a rat, whether waiting for the subway or just strolling through the streets. If you are from NYC, none of this is new to you. In fact, rats are so prevalent in NYC that there is an urban legend that there are as many rats as people in NYC. This erroneous claim stems from a study of rats conducted in England by W.R. Boelter and published in 1909 under the title The Rat Problem. After surveying the English countryside (but not villages, towns, or cities) he came up with an educated guess, estimating that England had one rat per acre of cultivated land. Since England had 40 million acres of cultivated land at the time, Boelter pegged the country’s rat population at 40 million. And since England also had a human population of 40 million at the time, he surmised that there is a 1:1 ratio of people to rats. The hypothesis was erroneously applied to NYC and is widely quoted to this day.

The exact number of rats is difficult to estimate, However, a study published by Jonathan Auerbach in 2014 estimated the rat population at about ~2 million, far below the human population of ~8.5 million at the time of the study. Regardless of the number, rats pose a significant health and safety hazard, as they can spread a number of potentially lethal diseases or chew through wires, potentially resulting in fires. In an effort to help regulate the rodent population, the city encourages its inhabitants to call 311 to report rat sightings. This data set provided by the city of New York detailing all rat sightings since January of 2010.

Rising rat population finger-right

Reports of rat sightings have steadily increased since 2010, with Brooklyn leading the charge, followed by Manhattan and the Bronx. There is clear trend showing a steep increase in the number of reported sightings in the warmer months, peaking in July - the optimal breeding temperature for rats is between 65 and 75F.

A Brooklyn and Manhattan infestation

Manhattan - ZIP Code 10025:
Rats are running wild in this fancy area on the Upper West side of Manhattan. With the Hudson River and Central Park as borders, the area is home to the fraternities at Columbia University and many millionaires. In fact, the median home value is $934,000. Rats love it too. It ranked number three for rat sightings by ZIP code. There were over 3,0000 instances of rats reported since 2010.

Brooklyn - ZIP Codes 11221, 11216, and 11238:
Brooklyn is gentrifying and with the destruction of their burrows and homes – rats are popping up all over. The most rat sightings occurred in the Brooklyn borough. Here are some of the leading areas within Brooklyn: Since 2010, more than 3,800 rat sightings were reported in ZIP code 11221. There are nearly 80,000 people living in this area and the median home value is $543,800. Rat sightings were reported 3,145 times within ZIP code 11216 – an area that borders ZIP code 11221. There are 54,000 people living in this area and the median home value is nearly $623,000.

Finger Down


Fighting back

In 2017, Mayor de Blasio, calling for “more rat corpses,” unveiled a $32 million assault on rats, which included increased litter basket pickups, the deployment of solar-powered, trash compacting binsand rat-resistant steel cans. The plan also called for using dry ice to smother rats where they live. But after dropping in 2018, rat sightings are once again on the upswing in Manhattan and Brooklyn, as of May 2019.